SELECT concat(SUBSTRING(first_name,1,2),SUBSTRING(last_name,1,2)) ref from actor; SELECT LENGTH('MySQL') AS longitud; SELECT UPPER('mysql') AS mayusculas, LOWER('MySQL') AS minusculas; select concat(upper(substring(first_name,1,1)), lower(substring(first_name,2))) nombre from actor; SELECT REPLACE('Aprender SQL', 'SQL', 'MySQL') AS resultado; update film set description= replace(description,'Crocodile','Cocodrilo') ; SELECT TRIM(' Hola que ') AS resultado; SELECT CONCAT_WS('-', '2023', '10', '26') AS fecha; select * from actor where length(first_name)>8; select count(*) from actor; select concat('hola',5), '5'+3 foo; select cast('2021-1-1' as date) fecha; SELECT STR_TO_DATE('1/1/2023', '%d/%m/%Y'); -- SImilar al if... elseif... else select first_name, CASE WHEN length(first_name)<5 THEN 'Nombre corto' WHEN length(first_name)<8 THEN 'Nombre medio' ELSE 'Nombre largo' END tipo from actor; -- Similar al switch select rating, case rating when 'r' then 'Para adultos' else 'Todos los publicos' end tipo from film; -- Similar al operador ternario select if(length(first_name)<5,'corto','largo') longitud from actor; select coalesce(first_name,'') from actor; select concat(coalesce(first_name,'.'),coalesce(last_name,''))nombre from actor; select now(),CURDATE() AS fecha_actual, CURTIME() AS hora_actual; SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM NOW()) AS año_actual, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM NOW()) AS mes_actual; -- Imprescindible select month(now()),year(now()),day(now()); select month(payment_date) from payment; select * from payment where month(payment_date) =5; select year(payment_date) anyo, month(payment_date) mes,sum(amount) total from payment group by anyo,mes; select month('1-1-2023'); SELECT month(STR_TO_DATE('1/1/2023', '%d/%m/%Y')); SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i %w') AS fecha_formateada; -- Alquileres en fin de semana select count(rental_id) from rental where date_format(rental_date,'%w') in (0,6); SELECT ADDDATE(NOW(), 7) AS fecha_en_7_dias, SUBDATE(NOW(), 3) p; SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '2023-01-01') AS dias_desde_inicio_de_ano; SELECT ROUND(3.14159) AS redondeo_entero, ROUND(3.14159, 3) AS redondeo_dos_decimales; select * from actor order by rand() limit 10; SELECT SCHEMA() AS nombre_de_base_de_datos; SELECT concat(address,coalesce(address2,'')) dir FROM sakila.address; insert into user (name,tarjeta) values ('tarjeta',AES_ENCRYPT('1112222333434', 'mi_clave_secreta') ) SELECT *, cast(AES_deCRYPT(tarjeta, 'mi_clave_secreta') as char) tarjeta FROM sakila.user
Mes: diciembre 2023
Soluciones ejercicios division y vistas
-- Actores con más películas que el actor de id 1 select first_name, last_name, count(film_actor.film_id) total from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id group by actor.actor_id having total>(select count(film_actor.film_id) total from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id where actor.actor_id=1 group by actor.actor_id); -- con vistas create view totalfilmsbyactor as select actor.actor_id, first_name, last_name, count(film_actor.film_id) total from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id group by actor.actor_id; select first_name, last_name, total from totalfilmsbyactor where total>(select total from totalfilmsbyactor where actor_id=1); -- Media global del total de películas por categoría. Si tengo dos categorías, -- una con 100 películas y otra con 50 la media sería 75 select avg(total) total from ( select name, count(film_category.film_id) total from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id group by category.category_id) as temp; -- Saber las categorías que tienen peliculas por enciima de la media select name, count(film_category.film_id) total from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id group by category.category_id having total>( select avg(total) total from ( select name, count(film_category.film_id) total from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id group by category.category_id) as temp); -- COn vistas create view filmsbycategory as select category.category_id, name, count(film_category.film_id) total from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id group by category.category_id; select name, total from filmsbycategory where total>(select avg(total) from filmsbycategory); -- Clientes que no han alquilado películas de rating ‘R’ -- Primero busco los clientes que si hayan alquilado -- películas de rating r -- Y después busco los que no estén en esa lista select first_name, last_name from customer where customer_id not in( select customer.customer_id from film join inventory on film.film_id=inventory.film_id join rental on inventory.inventory_id=rental.inventory_id join customer on rental.customer_id=customer.customer_id where rating='r'); -- Clientes que no han alquilado películas del actor con id 1 -- Pasar a positivo y luego los que no -- Clientes que si han alquilado películas del actor 1 select first_name, last_name from customer where customer_id not in ( select customer.customer_id from customer join rental on customer.customer_id=rental.customer_id join inventory on rental.inventory_id=inventory.inventory_id join film on inventory.film_id=film.film_id join film_actor on film.film_id=film_actor.film_id where film_actor.actor_id=1); -- Actores que no hayan trabajado en películas de robots -- ni en películas de cocodrilos -- Actores que sí select * from actor where actor_id not in ( select actor.actor_id from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id join film on film_actor.film_id=film.film_id where description like '%robot%' or description like '%crocodile%'); -- Crear una vista 'customer_info' que para cada cliente me muestre el -- total de alquileres y el importe total de los mismos create view customer_info as select customer.*, count(rental.rental_id) total, sum(amount) importe from customer join rental on customer.customer_id=rental.customer_id join payment on rental.rental_id=payment.rental_id group by customer.customer_id; -- Ahora ciertas consultas son más sencillas SELECT sum(total) total FROM customer_info join address on address.address_id=customer_info.address_id where district='ontario'; -- Crear una vista 'customer_films que para cada cliente me muestre -- en un campo los títulos de las películas que ha alquilado create view customer_films as select customer.*, group_concat(title) films from customer join rental on customer.customer_id=rental.customer_id join inventory on rental.inventory_id=inventory.inventory_id join film on inventory.film_id=film.film_id group by customer.customer_id; -- Hay consultas que se simplifican SELECT * FROM sakila.customer_films where films like '%dinosaur%';
Solución Ejercicios sql
-- Películas ‘Épicas’ (Epic) o ‘Brillantes’ (brilliant) (description) -- que duren más de 180 minutos (length) SELECT * FROM where (description like '%epic%' or description like '%brilliant%') and `length`>180; -- Películas que duren entre 100 y 120 minutos o entre 50 y 70 minutos SELECT * FROM where length between 100 and 120 or length between 50 and 70; -- Películas que cuesten 0.99, 2.99 y tengan un rating ‘g’ o ‘r’ -- y que hablen de cocodrilos (crocodile) SELECT * FROM film where rental_rate between 0.99 and 2.99 and rating in ('g','r') and description like '%crocodile%'; -- Direcciones de ontario o de punjab o que su código postal acabe en 5 -- o que su teléfono acabe en 5 SELECT * FROM sakila.address where district in ('ontario', 'punjab') or postal_code like '%5' or phone like '%5' order by district; -- Ventas totales por empleado select first_name, last_name, count(payment_id) total, sum(amount) importe from staff join payment on staff.staff_id=payment.staff_id group by staff.staff_id; -- Películas en las que han trabajado más de 10 actores select title, count(actor.actor_id) total, group_concat(concat(first_name,' ',last_name)) actores from film join film_actor on film.film_id=film_actor.film_id join actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id group by film.film_id having total>10 order by title; -- El título de la película que más se ha alquilado (en número de alquileres) select title, count(rental_id) total from film join inventory on film.film_id=inventory.film_id join rental on inventory.inventory_id=rental.inventory_id group by film.film_id order by total desc limit 1; -- El título de la película que más se ha alquilado de rating 'r' select title, count(rental_id) total from film join inventory on film.film_id=inventory.film_id join rental on inventory.inventory_id=rental.inventory_id where rating='r' group by film.film_id order by total desc limit 1; -- El título de la película que más dinero ha dado (en suma de importe) select title, sum(amount) total from film join inventory on film.film_id=inventory.film_id join rental on inventory.inventory_id=rental.inventory_id join payment on rental.rental_id=payment.rental_id group by film.film_id order by total desc limit 1; -- Los 5 actores que han trabajado en menos películas select first_name, last_name, count(film_actor.film_id) total from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id group by actor.actor_id order by total limit 5; -- Los 5 actores que han trabajado en menos películas de rating 'r' select first_name, last_name, count(film_actor.film_id) total from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id join film on film.film_id=film_actor.film_id where rating='r' group by actor.actor_id order by total limit 5;
Consultas división
-- Quiero los actores que NO hayan trabajado en una película de rating 'R' -- Con subconsultas -- Cambio la pregunta a positivo: Los que Sí han trabajado en 'R' -- Con una subconsulta seleccion los que no están en esa lista select first_name, last_name from actor where actor_id not in ( select actor.actor_id from actor left join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id left join film on film_actor.film_id=film.film_id where rating='R'); -- películas que no sean de la categoría 'children' -- Cambio a positivo: Que si sean de children select title from film where film_id not in (select film.film_id from film join film_category on film.film_id=film_category.film_id join category on film_category.category_id=category.category_id where name='children'); select * from actor where actor_id not in ( select actor_id from actor join film_actor using(actor_id) join film using(film_id) join film_category using(film_id) join category using(category_id) where name='Music'); -- actores que no hayan trabajado en children (con vistas) select * from actor where actor_id not in (select actor_id from filmografia where name='children')
Consultas crear vistas
create view customer_over_avg as SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(*) AS rental_count FROM rental join customer on rental.customer_id=customer.customer_id GROUP BY customer.customer_id HAVING rental_count > (SELECT AVG(rental_count) FROM rental_client); create view filmografia as select name, film.*,first_name, last_name from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id join film on film.film_id=film_category.film_id join film_actor on film.film_id=film_actor.film_id join actor on film_actor.actor_id=actor.actor_id
Soluciones sql
insert into actor (first_name, last_name) values ('juan','perez'); insert into actor (first_name, last_name) values ('rosa','pi'); update actor set first_name='PEPE' where actor_id=10; update actor set first_name=concat('Actor',actor_id) where actor_id>200; delete from actor where actor_id>200; select country, customer.* from country join city on country.country_id=city.country_id join address on city.city_id=address.city_id join customer on address.address_id=customer.address_id where country like 'A%'; select, customer.* from customer join address on customer.address_id=address.address_id join city on address.city_id=city.city_id join country on city.country_id=country.country_id where country like 'a%'; select distinct first_name,last_name from actor join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id join film on film_actor.film_id=film.film_id where length>140; select distinct name from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id join film on film_category.film_id=film.film_id where rating='r'; select title, count(rental_id) total from film join inventory on film.film_id=inventory.film_id join rental on inventory.inventory_id=rental.inventory_id group by film.film_id having total>20; select, customer.* from customer join address on customer.address_id=address.address_id join city on address.city_id=city.city_id join country on city.country_id=country.country_id where country ='spain' or country='argentina'; select, customer.* from customer join address on customer.address_id=address.address_id join city on address.city_id=city.city_id join country on city.country_id=country.country_id where country in ('spain','argentina'); select title, name from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id join film on film_category.film_id=film.film_id where name in ('children','family'); select first_name, last_name from actor where first_name like '%x%' or last_name like '%x%'; select * from address where district='california' and phone like '%274%';
Ejemplos agregados
-- El total de ciudades: contar select country,count(city) total from country join city on country.country_id=city.country_id group by country; -- Total de importe de clientes select first_name, last_name, sum(amount) total, avg(amount) media, count(amount) numero, max(amount) maximo, min(amount) minimo from customer join rental on customer.customer_id=rental.customer_id join payment on rental.rental_id=payment.rental_id group by customer.customer_id; -- en la consulta anterior los clientes que han gastado más de 100 dolares select first_name, last_name, sum(amount) total, avg(amount) media, count(amount) numero, max(amount) maximo, min(amount) minimo from customer join rental on customer.customer_id=rental.customer_id join payment on rental.rental_id=payment.rental_id group by customer.customer_id having total>100; -- Los clientes cuyo nombre empieza por 'a' que han gastado más de 100 dolares select first_name, last_name, sum(amount) total, avg(amount) media, count(amount) numero, max(amount) maximo, min(amount) minimo from customer join rental on customer.customer_id=rental.customer_id join payment on rental.rental_id=payment.rental_id where first_name like 'a%' group by customer.customer_id having total>100 and media>4; -- ¿Cuantos países tienen más de 50 clientes? -- Nombre del país y número de clientes (count) select country, count(customer_id) total from country join city on country.country_id=city.country_id join address on city.city_id=address.city_id join customer on address.address_id=customer.address_id group by country.country_id having total>50
Ejemplos select
-- Para cada país sus ciudades -- join me está diciendo que relaciono las dos tablas -- on me dirá mediante que campos están relacionados select country,city from country join city on country.country_id=city.country_id; select country,city from country co join city ci on co.country_id=ci.country_id; -- Solo vale para mysql y el campo se tiene que llamar igual select country,city from country join city using(country_id); select country,city,first_name,last_name from country join city on country.country_id=city.city_id join address on city.city_id=address.city_id join customer on address.address_id=customer.address_id; select name,title from category join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id join film on film_category.film_id=film.film_id; -- left join nos dice que devolvamos los valores de la tabla de la izquierda -- Aunque no tengamos valores relacionados select name,title from category left join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id left join film on film_category.film_id=film.film_id; -- right join nos dice que devolvamos los valores de la tabla de la derecha -- Aunque no tengamos valores relacionados select name,title from category right join film_category on category.category_id=film_category.category_id right join film on film_category.film_id=film.film_id
Sakila esquema
Insert de revistas
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘Nature’, ‘1234-5678’, 1, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘Science’, ‘5678-1234’, 2, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘The New England Journal of Medicine’, ‘8765-4321’, 3, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘The Lancet’, ‘4321-8765’, 4, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘Cell’, ‘9876-5432’, 5, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘Nature Reviews Immunology’, ‘5432-9876’, 6, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘Journal of the American Medical Association’, ‘2345-6789’, 7, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘Nature Genetics’, ‘6789-2345’, 8, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘The Astrophysical Journal’, ‘3456-7890’, 9, 2023);
INSERT INTO Revistas (Titulo, ISSN, Numero, Anyo) VALUES (‘IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems’, ‘7890-3456’, 10, 2023);