delimiter $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `alta_cliente2` (in p_country varchar(50), in p_city varchar(50), in p_address varchar(50), in p_first_name varchar(50), in p_last_name varchar(50), out p_customer_id int) BEGIN declare v_country_id int; declare v_city_id int; declare v_address_id int; declare v_customer_id int; select country_id into v_country_id from country where country=p_country; IF v_country_id is null then insert into country(country) values (p_country); select last_insert_id() into v_country_id; END IF; select city_id into v_city_id from city where city=p_city and country_id=v_country_id; IF v_city_id is null then insert into city(city,country_id) values (p_city,v_country_id); select last_insert_id() into v_city_id; END IF; select address_id into v_address_id from address where address=p_address and city_id=v_city_id; IF v_address_id is null then insert into address(address,city_id) values (p_address,v_city_id); select last_insert_id() into v_address_id; END IF; select customer_id into v_customer_id from customer where first_name=p_first_name and last_name=p_last_name and address_id=v_address_id; IF v_customer_id is null then insert into customer(first_name,last_name,address_id,store_id) values (p_first_name,p_last_name, v_address_id,1); select last_insert_id() into v_customer_id; END IF; select v_customer_id into p_customer_id; END$$ delimiter ;
call alta_cliente('Spain','Logroño','Laurel, 4','Juan','Pi',@id); select @id;